USER LICENSE AGREEMENT AND PRIVACY POLICY NOTE: PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS OF USE AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE BKAV SAFE KIDS SOFTWARE. YOU CAN USE THE BKAV SAFE KIDS SOFTWARE ONLY WHEN YOU AGREE TO ALL THE TERMS OF USE IN THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DON'T AGREE TO ANY OF THE TERMS OF USE, CLICK ON THE “CANCEL” BUTTON AND STOP USING THE SOFTWARE. IF YOU AGREE TO ALL THE TERMS OF USE, CLICK ON THE “AGREE” BUTTON. 1. Right to use The Bkav Safe Kids software is a product protected by legal documents on intellectual property, copyright, and other legal documents of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. You are allowed to: - Install and use the Bkav Safe Kids software. You are not allowed to: - Decompile the software code (debug, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble), or perform any actions to view, discover, or learn the source code and command code of the Bkav Safe Kids software, or other similar actions. - Crack, patch, interfere, or take any other actions to change the operation of the Bkav Safe Kids software. - Develop other products based on the Bkav Safe Kids software or based on any component of the Bkav Safe Kids software. - Use the Bkav Safe Kids software in any other way that is not specified in this Agreement. 2. Privacy Policy - Bkav Safe Kids needs memory access to store data. - Bkav Safe Kids needs camera access for QR code scanning. - Bkav Safe Kids needs Android ID access for device identification. - Bkav Safe Kids does not use memory access for purposes other than storage. The data is encrypted and will be deleted upon out of use. - Bkav Safe Kids does not use camera access for purposes other than scanning QR code. - Bkav Safe Kids does not use and store Android ID for purposes other than device identification. 3. Update The Bkav Safe Kids software is regularly updated with new versions. If you have a license for the Bkav Safe Kids software, during the license period, you can update to new versions of the Bkav Safe Kids software. 4. Responsibility IN THEORY, DUE TO OBJECTIVE OR SUBJECTIVE IMPACTS, OR DUE TO IMPACTS OF THE OPERATING SYSTEM, OR THE CONFLICTS BETWEEN THE BKAV SAFE KIDS SOFTWARE AND OTHER SOFTWARE ON THE SMARTPHONES OR TABLETS, ERRORS MAY OCCUR DURING THE USE OF THE BKAV SAFE KIDS. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL YOU BE ENTITLED TO CLAIM COMPENSATION FOR ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT DAMAGE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: LOSS OF DATA, SYSTEM AVAILABILITY, OPPORTUNITY, MONEY, OR SPIRIT, GENERATED FROM THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE BKAV SAFE KIDS SOFTWARE. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL THE LIABILITY OF COMPENSATION EXCEED THE PRICE PAID TO PURCHASE THE BKAV SAFE KIDS SOFTWARE. THIS TERM IS ALWAYS EFFECTIVE, EVEN IN THE EVENT YOU DON'T AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. THE DISCLAIMER OR LIMITATIONS MENTIONED ABOVE WILL BE EFFECTIVE WHETHER YOU ACCEPT THE AGREEMENT OR NOT. 5. For better protection During the use of the Bkav Safe Kids software: You agree to provide the Bkav Safe Kids with the information of smartphone or tablet; operating system; smartphone or tablet configuration, memory, and disk space for the purpose of software update and user support. 6. General information This Agreement is governed by the laws of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. If you have any questions, please contact Bkav Safe Kids' Customer Care Center.